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Donald Trump to Earn Just $1 Per Annum as President, Orders Supporters to Stop Racist Attacks



United States’ President-elect, Donald Trump seems to be going back on most of his campaign promises which earned him votes. In his first interview since his shock election win, Trump sat down with CBS News’ Lesley Stahl at his Manhattan home to film 60 Minutes.
The billionaire businessman will not take the $400,000 salary when he takes office in January.Instead, he will take a nominal $1 as required by law.

Addressing his competitor Hillary Clinton , despite branding her a nasty woman during his campaign and vowing to send her to jail, in the interview ,he said

“She is very strong and very smart,”They’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them. And I will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do ’60 Minutes’ together,” he said

He also attributes his political success to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Trump said

“I’m going to be very restrained, if I use it at all, I’m going to be very restrained. I find it tremendous. It’s a modern form of communication. There should be nothing we should be ashamed of. It’s– it’s where it’s at,””I really believe that– the fact that I have such power in terms of numbers with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etcetera, I think it helped me win all of these races where they’re spending much more money than I spent. And I won. I think that social media has more power than the money they spent, and I think maybe to a certain extent, I proved that,” he said.

Highlights from the interview as culled from

Trump on whether he regrets anything from his controversial campaign:

“I can’t regret. … I wish it were softer, I wish it were nicer, I wish maybe even it was more on policy, or whatever you want to say. But I will say that it really is something that I’m very proud of, I mean it was a tremendous campaign.”

Trump on using similar campaign rhetoric during his presidency:

“Well, sometimes you need a certain rhetoric to get people motivated. I don’t want to be just a little nice monotone character and in many cases I will be.”

Trump on his meeting with President Barack Obama and if it was “awkward”:

“We never discussed what was said about each other. I said terrible things about him, he said terrible things about me. … I’ll be honest, from my standpoint [there was] zero, zero [awkwardness]. And that’s strange. I’m actually surprised to tell you that.”

Melania on her relationship with her husband:

“I think he hears me. But he will do what he wants to do on the end. He’s an adult. He knows the consequences. And I give him my opinion. And he could do whatever he likes with it.”

Melania on the potential awkwardness of her one-on-one meeting with First Lady Michelle Obama, particularly after her speech at the Republican National Convention almost directly mirrored the first lady’s 2008 Democratic Convention address:

“No. I didn’t feel it … She was a gracious host. We had a great time and we [talked] raising children in the White House. She was very warm and very nice.”

On reports of increased incidents of hate speech and racially charged incidents from his alleged supporters:

“I am so saddened to hear that and I say stop it, if it helps. I’ll say it right to the camera — stop it.”

On the presidential salary of $400,000 per year:

“I’m not taking it.” (Although he did admit that he might have to take a salary of $1 per year.)

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“Absolutely Clueless And Easily The Worst Manager I Played Under” — Mikel Obi Blasts Sunday Oliseh; Blames Him For Vincent Enyeama’s Early Retirement



He said’ “I remember the first day he came into the camp. Then we reported to the camp for International duties, then he came straight at me and Vincent Enyeama, the goalkeeper, who also was very powerful back then.”

“He came straight at us and Elderson Echiejile, and he said a few things. He said he heard there was a lot of player power with us.

“Then Enyeama was like, ‘What’s wrong with you? Where are you getting all of these from? We are a nice group, and you just come in, and the first thing is to attack us?

“He was like ‘I heard about you guys.’ And then Enyeama stood up and told him he couldn’t say that because we had been here for so many years. They started arguing, and literally, they were going to have a fight.

“He took Enyeama out of the team, and he came at us saying he was going to take us out of the team. He said he was going to take us out of the team; he said he was going to make sure we didn’t play anymore.”

“Enyeama could not take it, and despite my pleas, he left the camp angrily and never came back.”

“He (Oliseh) had absolutely no clue of how a manager is. He was a fantastic guy in his playing days, but as a coach, he was very terrible. He had no clue what he was doing.

“The players never understood anything he was doing, and he did not know what he was doing. He was just confused because he just came in and destroyed the team’s togetherness.

“His excuse when he got fired was that the people and FA did voodoo on him not to succeed. He was easily the worst manager I played under.

“He was so bitter with everybody, jealous with everybody, and had no respect for speaking to anybody, whether the physio or anybody,” he added.

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“She Took Care Of My Son When I Left To UK To Give Birth To My Twins” — Kindhearted Nigerian Woman Rewards Her Housemaid With Canada Sponsorship



A Nigerian lady identified as Lioness Eze wrote: “Miracle is her name

She was a maid to me.
She’s here in Canada to do her first degree in IT innovation ( I’m her full sponsor). She’s 20

She took care of my son when I left to UK to put to bed to my twins. My son never for one day felt I wasn’t around him.

Each time my son asks of where the dad is, she’s always there for him to make sure no vacuum at all

When we relocated to Canada, I started pursuing her greener pastures.

I applied for her degree program into same university as mine in Ontario. She got the admission, I started applying for her visa, she was denied first time. But she was granted visa the second time and was given 3 years visa to study in Canada.

She has arrived😁😁 pictures bellow

She even traveled with us to UK for summer 😁

Isn’t her name speaking for her?(Miracle)

NB : she calls me mommy, ( her biological mother is late) she’s my older daughter now, anywhere U see her, tap her back and tell her she’s really a miracle to her generation

GRACE GOD has given me which is unique from others is, you can’t be around me and remain same. If you are around me and your life never changes, it means you need to change ur attitude.”

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I’m still single and searching – 70-year-old virgin Cries



An elderly woman has lamented being single and still searching because she rejected many men in the name of sacrificing her life to give her siblings a good education before getting married.

“The reason I am still single is that I haven’t found the right man for me. But when I was still a young girl, several men were chasing after me. I dated several, but I refused to get married before my siblings graduated because I was the one who was taking care of them. Men would approach me for marriage and I would tell them no because I wanted to educate my siblings first, then marry later,” she said.

“If I get a husband, I would get married. I’m ready to be a wife and move in together with my husband,” Alphonsine said.

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